Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fitness Pal

I use the My Fitness Pal app everyday...and sometimes I see the posts other people make (kinda like a status but it is in a forum) while I am using it on the actual PC. Today I came across one that floored me. Here is what the lady wrote:
-----> So, today I'm having lunch in a food court with work colleagues. I'm eating my turkey sub from subway and drinking water - all good. Out of nowhere this guy comes to the table and asks if he can speak with us - me in particular. Now this is not overly unusual because we all work at a local church which is heavily involved in the community. So, I say sure. He then proceeds to say to me "I just want you to know that there is help available for someone like you; I'd like to help you". He went on to say how he attends a gym and would be willing to workout with me and help me with my 'problem'!!! I was horrified!! In 38 years this has never happened to me! I was humiliated! I was polite and thanked him for the offer and suggested I probably would not take him up on it - but inside I just wanted to die. None of my colleagues know I'm working so hard to lose weight, and at only 8kg loss, they can't tell. So, I just had to act like this didn't bother me. As we left, one of the men on my team went and spoke to said stranger about the inappropriateness of what he'd done - but no one could really feel how gutted I was. I mean, I know I'm big, but how big must I be that a complete stranger felt so compelled to come and 'help' me!!! I just have to keep moving forward - I've made such great progress and I can't let this ignorant person discourage me - but I just wish people thought before they 'helped'! <----- p="">
I feel so bad for this lady (and commented on her post to tell her so). I can only imagine if something like this had happened to me when I was bigger I would have probably cried afterward. I am sure the guy had good intentions...but being that he has most likely never had a weight problem in his life he had no idea how this kind of comment would effect this lady.
It's not like when you are overweight, especially by a lot...that you are not aware of it. We are. Trust me. We don't need to be reminded everyday since we get reminded by the mirror. lol Something similar to this happened to me only once...but not quite as bad. I was at a gyno appt and the doc did my exam and while sitting there going over the results with me she then says, "You do know you are overweight right?" In my head all I could think was, "Um....duh!!! No I thought I had a supermodel body ya dumb B*tc$!".....but I didn't say that. I said, "Yes, I know." And she then said I should consider losing weight for my health. Again....DUH!!!!!! lol Ugh....yes it is the job of a doctor to help you get healthy but man the way she came out and said it was just lame and....well....dumb. lol Anyway.....just wanted to share this ladies story....the lesson here is simple....Don't tell strangers you can help them lose weight. Leave that to their caring friends/family who hopefully know how to approach the subject better.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Belly Button

I have decided that I like my new belly button a little bit more now.  I kid you not….when I got the new belly button along with my tummy tuck I was not happy with it...I previously had a nice innie...and after surgery (and until recently) it was a very obvious outie.  However with time comes improvement and I noticed two nights ago that now when I am laying down it is not near as “out” as it used to be.  Still not an innie, and probably never will be, but at least now it looks better and I don’t feel like covering it up.  lol  

Funny how something so small like your belly button can make you feel self conscious huh?  I would be out in the sun in my swimsuit and feel like I should have my hand over my stomach or something so it wasn't protruding out like crazy.  Maybe this is a silly thing to even be writing about but when I noticed it, I just got excited.  lol  Couldn't help it.  I said to James, “LOOK!!...My belly button isn't as dumb looking anymore!”  lol  Anyway...just wanted to share.  :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Caloric Intake

So things are going really well.  I have lost 4 of the 9 pounds gained back but I am having a hard time getting the rest off...so in an effort to accomplish that goal I have decided to adjust the amount of calories I am taking in everyday.  Instead of just keeping it at a steady 2000 I have gone down to 1600.  I am really hoping that it helps get me back where I (and the doctors) agree that I should be.  James has been really supportive as well and is helping me with food choices and reminding me that snacks are not needed unless I am hungry.  I am so bad about snacking when I am bored.  Of course it always helps that I can’t fit a lot in my tummy...lol...but still...snacking just to snack is bad...and I need to work on that habit and knock it out of my system.  

So far I am doing good though with the new calorie amount.   The hardest part is remembering to include my drinks; like milk and juice.  I am so used to just drinking those without a care in the world.  ugh….I seriously love orange juice.  I could drink that all day long.  

I have been going on long bike rides 3 days a week still and will continue to do so until the weather no longer allows it.  Usually I bike 10-13 miles and although my butt and legs are always super sore afterward it feels great to be burning calories and staying in shape.  I can’t wait until I can start lifting weights again though since right now it feels like my arms are as weak as a toddlers.  It’s very frustrating to not be allowed to lift more than a gallon of milk but I know it’s for my own good and for the healing of my body.  But man on man a year sure does take forever to go by doesn't it?  Especially when you are waiting.  lol

Still actively praying for improvement in appearance in my left breast as it heals up.  Just wish the implant itself didn't show as much as it does.   BUT, I am also praying for God to bring me contentment and acceptance about how it looks and to help me just be thankful that I have great looking breasts now instead of the flat empty things I had after all the weight loss.  I don’t think I am being too picky about wanting the left one to look as great as the one on the right, even James agrees that when it comes to something like this, you should expect and want things to look as good as possible since it is a part of me...however, I am trying to accept that the left side has been through a lot, and there is a lot of scar tissue, so sadly it just isn't as strong and may have to just stay this way.  And really it doesn't look bad….just different than the other slightly.  So like I said...praying about it a lot and giving it a year to see how things “settle”.  

Despite the slight weight gain I am still wearing a size 10 and man does that make me happy.  I plan on being a size 10 forever!!  There is no way in hell I am going back to anything higher and I am not embarrassed to say that I am super proud of myself.  One for continuing to eat right, second for being open to James’ advice and concerns when he sees me messing up or needing reminders about things, and also for being determined to maintain my desired weight and actively doing things to make that happen.  This is a lifelong lifestyle!!!   Surgery is not a magic pill and you have to really work hard at maintaining what it helped you get.   

Wearing Shorts

Today I wore shorts.  This may not seem like a big deal, after all I've worn shorts before, these exact ones to be precise. But today wa...