Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Diligence Update!!

Well diligence is paying off so far.  I have been tracking my food carefully and i am already back down to weighing 145.5 pounds.  It’s funny how easy it is to get out of the correct routine and into a bad habit.  I am doing good though….fighting against temptations to just have small nibbles on foods just because they are there.  That is another thing that I recently discovered I was doing and depending on the item that I am nibbling on I could be adding on to my fat intake very easily by doing that.  Trying to keep hydrated as well….I always have my drinks with me and some generic crystal lite to squirt into it too so it isn't just plain water.  I can’t stand drinking lukewarm plain water but if it has some flavor I have no problem at all.   Anyway….just wanted to give a quick update on how I was doing.  YAY for doing good!!  

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I feel like I have been quite the slacker lately.  Indulging when I shouldn’t be and that is not good.  It’s not like I am over eating in regards to the amount of food...I am not stuffing myself or something.  But I am eating more fat content than I should be and that is bad.  Yesterday I was much better and today I plan on being as well.  I can tell it is just that I am buying things that I know are my weakness. It’s not like I have put on a lot of weight.  But to me putting on any weight is just a bad trend that I don’t want to start.  I want to be at 143 pounds.  That is where I ended and where I want to stay….but yesterday morning I was at an annoying 148 pounds.  5 pounds more!!   ugh.  Again, I know it isn’t a lot to most people...but to me that is a big deal and something to be slightly concerned about since it could lead to complacency and bad habits returning.  I have to be so aware of myself if I want to really maintain this weight and new body that I have been blessed with.  So I am going to be diligent.  Use my app on my phone like crazy….and just take care of things right.  I think my downfall was going camping.  I had to eat different stuff, more fattening stuff...and it just made me lazy.

Work is going well though which keeps me walking a lot and of course I have been going to the gym regularly.  James still seems QUITE happy with the new me and is always complimenting me and grabbing on me.  It feels great and I love all the attention from him.  Hoping that this new excitement never goes away….because it sure is fun!  One more procedure to go and then I am done….I wish it would hurry up!!

Wearing Shorts

Today I wore shorts.  This may not seem like a big deal, after all I've worn shorts before, these exact ones to be precise. But today wa...