Monday, November 23, 2015

U.O.M Surgery Consult

So on Friday the 20th I had my surgical consultation with a new plastic surgeon.  First of all, I really like him.  U.O.M surgeon named Dr. Momoh, younger (maybe my age) handsome man.  He checked me out and I gave them ALL my previous history.  I even had the paperwork.  In the end he said he is going to try to help me.  Now, he can’t make any guarantees of course that what he does will make my left breast look exactly like my right, especially since he won’t really know what he is getting into until he gets inside and sees what my previous doc did…. BUT… he thinks he can do it.  The only problem is that this will require extreme measures since I have been under the knife so many times before, and I have very little breast tissue left and most likely lots of scar tissue.

He will be doing something that he says will be very painful… ugh… essentially attaching my breast from the inside to my ribs, more specifically, the stuff that is attached to the bone of my ribs.  Now don’t take that as exact… I am not sure of the correct words he used, but that is the basics.  He says it will hurt like hell, but should hold everything in place.  

I am of course very nervous and excited.  After I agreed to all  this and he left the room, I started crying. Like a lot.   I think the emotion of it all just hit me hard.  I have wanted this fixed so badly for so long, and to have someone see that there is an issue, and tell me they can potentially help me, well that was just overwhelming.  I was so happy… yet at the same time so nervous.  Will this pain be similar to what I have already experienced before in prior surgeries?  Will it be worse?  Less?  No way to know of course.  Not until I am in recovery.  

After he left and I was done crying a lady came in to take my pictures.  She took me into a room and we did all my before shots so they can have on record what I look like… plus they are a teaching school and so I gave permission for those to be used.  Then I went to the scheduling lady, where she asked me some questions and took some info… and in the end said they are going to try to see if insurance will cover this.  That would be AWESOME if they did… although I am not expecting it.  

No matter what this surgery won’t happen until at least March...because that is when he has openings… which works out great since I was hoping for no earlier than late February.  I should hear back from the hospital in 3-4 weeks whether or not insurance will cover surgery, and no matter what the outcome, I will schedule a surgery date.  

I think my biggest fear is that when this is all said and done,and I have healed up a lot, I will look in the mirror and things won’t look better, they won’t look the same, they will instead look worse.  I mentioned this concern to the doctor and he again said that he can’t make guarantees… but he doesn’t think that will be happening.  If only he could make the guarantee right?  Wouldn’t that be nice.

I saw him as I was leaving the place… walking down a hall and he was walking towards me (this was after I was done with the scheduling lady) and as I passed by him he said goodbye and waved, but I started crying again and just told him thank you… hugged him, and told him how much I appreciate him being willing to help me.  He seemed a bit shocked but also hugged me back and told me it was all gonna be ok.  That’s the kind of doc I like.  :)   I am really hoping and praying everything is ok too…. I have a while to prepare at least… that is one plus! P.S. Wondering what my actual problem is with my breast? Read this post:

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