Saturday, September 29, 2012

Reconstructive Surgery

I have made my appointment at the Barix Clinic for my consultation with Dr. Dinick about having my tummy tuck done and my breast lift.  I am SO excited.  I have watched a few videos online that show the procedure, and it looks INTENSE!  I am going to be in so much pain, I am predicting, from what I saw, way more pain than my c-sections.  And if I end up having the breast lift at the same time that will just make it even worse!  I haven’t watched a video on that surgery yet...I need to find one.  But despite the pain I am sure to be in I am very excited.  I cannot wait for the end results!  I am so beyond anxious to have, for the first time in what seems like forever, to have a flat stomach, and perky breasts.  I don’t even know what it means to have a flat stomach...I don’t even know what emotions I will have.

I imagine that I will cry...cry and cry and cry with joy.  I feel like that has to be what I will do because even thinking about it now makes me emotional.  I don’t know how to be someone with a body shape like that.  Does that sound strange?  Maybe it does if you are someone who has never been bigger, who has never looked at themselves in the mirror and loathed what they saw...but since I am that person (although those feels are becoming less and less thank the Lord) the mere thought of having the type of stomach I have only ever dreamed of’s unimaginable!!  

And then there is the breast lift...perky breasts again!!!   I have not had perky breasts since I had my has been so long and to think that I will be able to look in the mirror and see them looking a whole new way is crazy!  OH, and even crazier is that it is possible I might be able to get implants as well if the doctor (and I) think they are needed to help them look full again.  It is crazy how much of your breasts you can lose when you lose weight.  I had no idea it would be so drastic.  Not to mention it makes them look...deflated is the only word I can think of.  They just look like a deflated balloon.  YUCK!  lol  Anyway, the consultation is on October 20th and I will be taking lots of notes and hopefully scheduling my appointment for the actual surgeries.  I will of course write again after the appointment. :)

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