Monday, September 17, 2012

Out on a Limb!

James just put himself out on a limb to have a talk with me about some of the things he has seen me eating recently.  Not that I have been eating more than I should be...or eating bad things necessarily...but he has just observed that when I do have a little snack after I have already gotten all of my protein in for the day I tend  to go for the foods that are not the best health wise choice.  For example...crackers.  I have been loving crackers as a quick and easy snacks because it’s nothing that I have to cook...or prepare.  I just grab the box and can have a handful and be done.  That is lazy!!  Pure laziness on my part and the start of a bad habit developing that I refuse to allow. more being lazy and grabbing whatever is quick.  I am going to have to take more time and actually cook things up.  

I am so done with bad habits and I am so happy that even though James was nervous bringing this up to me, he did.  He was worried that I would take an offense to him trying to tell me what to do in regards to eating and that I wouldn’t take the suggestion to heart because in previous instances (before surgery) when he would try to suggest what I should and should not eat I would get upset, and basically tell him to mind his own business.  lol  No more of that though!  I need people who will keep me in check...I need people who are willing to tell me if they see me slipping up, or possibly creating habits that are not the best.  That is how you stay successful at weight loss...that is how you make it permanent!

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Wearing Shorts

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