Sunday, July 27, 2014

Back From Vacation

My 4 week long trip to California was a success.   I did really well in regards to not lifting a lot of things.   Isaiah was so helpful and so was Evelyn which was very appreciated.  I am healing up really well still and I would say my right breast is for sure my favorite.  It looks near perfect and has healed up the best.   The left breast is not as great but isn't bad either.   The implant shows more and the cleavage area is not quite right.  This is probably due to the weak tissue holding the implant in.  My surgeon had made the decision to not use a product called Alloderm Mesh on the inside of my breast to hold the implants in place because it is pretty costly...but he did say that we would see how things went and then if we need to use it we do and if not we don’t.  

James wants to fix these small problems though because for one it would look better and two, our deductible has been met for the year so if we are going to do it we may as well do it this year.  Makes sense to me.  I am done worrying about how many surgeries I have had because at this point I am just resigned to the fact that my skin has been traumatized, I have lots of scar tissue, I am lacking in nutrients which would help me heal normally, and my skin was stretched a lot from the weight….it isn't surprising that I am having lots of problems.  I trust my doctor however and he always has my best interests in mind so I am happy with that.  

I have my appointment to see my doctor on August the 2nd and we will discuss our concerns then and also see what he thinks.  I feel like I am ok with whatever gets decided.  I would like things to look better, but if my doctor thinks this is fine for now I am ok with that too.  At this point I know I just need to be thankful for what I have.  

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Wearing Shorts

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