Monday, December 16, 2013

Done No Matter What

Had my first check up since this last procedure.  Dr. Dinick seems to be really pleased with how everything looks and expects things to look even better as the swelling goes down and things “settle”.  No matter what though, I am done with having surgery.  However these things end up looking is just how they will have to look because I am just done.  4 surgeries in 2 years is more than enough for me.  But I think that over all I am quite pleased.  My nipples right now are all facing the correct way which is good.  They are not quite lined up exactly right but I think that is because of the swelling and what not, and expect that will improve with a couple more months.

Still not going to the gym of course, healing up and trying to not strain anything.  My neighbor and I fully plan on working out once again once I am up to it (which should be really soon).  We are going to be bringing some exercise equipment into our basement and attempting to do our workouts here to save money on the gym.  If we can do a good job at keeping it up at home we will continue with it and if not we will try another gym that is cheaper.  I refuse to keep paying $30 a month for an average gym.  

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Wearing Shorts

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