Monday, December 30, 2013

Back to work!

Going back to work today was good.  Although I can tell that when my surgery is paid off and it is time to quit my job,  I will be ready.  I really enjoyed being home for the entire month and it reminded me of how much I love being a stay at home mom and what a great blessing it has been for me to be able to do that the last 12 years.  I worked almost eight hours today and I can really feel it.  I am tired, and although my chest isn’t sore from the work my foot is since a two liter of soda fell on it.  Let me tell you that hurt like hell.  But at least having all that time off to heal really helped and I had no problem moving groceries that were heavy around for customers or anything like that.  It was all good.   For my first day shift I would call this a success.  The time flew by and I enjoyed being at the register the whole time.  

It’s an entirely different crowd of people who shop during the day then at night.  Lots more senior citizens and lots more Moms.  I saw two people I know even (although that is really nothing new).   I was at a register the entire time I was there.  It was so busy!  I am sure that could have been because of the holiday coming up but still….I couldn’t believe how constant the flow of people was.  Especially once 10am hit.  Tomorrow I just have a small shift, 12-4pm.  Not too bad at all.  Then I don’t work again until Saturday (unless they try to call me in that is).  

So anyway….so that is my day and I just thought I would share.  Time to relax!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Done No Matter What

Had my first check up since this last procedure.  Dr. Dinick seems to be really pleased with how everything looks and expects things to look even better as the swelling goes down and things “settle”.  No matter what though, I am done with having surgery.  However these things end up looking is just how they will have to look because I am just done.  4 surgeries in 2 years is more than enough for me.  But I think that over all I am quite pleased.  My nipples right now are all facing the correct way which is good.  They are not quite lined up exactly right but I think that is because of the swelling and what not, and expect that will improve with a couple more months.

Still not going to the gym of course, healing up and trying to not strain anything.  My neighbor and I fully plan on working out once again once I am up to it (which should be really soon).  We are going to be bringing some exercise equipment into our basement and attempting to do our workouts here to save money on the gym.  If we can do a good job at keeping it up at home we will continue with it and if not we will try another gym that is cheaper.  I refuse to keep paying $30 a month for an average gym.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So good...

Still doing really well after my latest procedure.  So far I have only had one day where I over did it and really regretted it.  I was dumb and just was out and about way too much and did too much cleaning and was SUPER sore later.   So much so that I did actually take some mild pain meds for the first time.  But after that I have been really relaxed, healing up well and wearing my bra every day all day (4 weeks for that too) like I am supposed to.  Things are still looking good, I think that once the swelling goes down they will look even better.  

I have a follow up appointment on the 14th and I am hoping to be able to go back to work on December 30th.  I am starting to miss working at Kroger a little bit but I am also really enjoying being home again so much.  So I will just take advantage and relax while I can.  :)

Wearing Shorts

Today I wore shorts.  This may not seem like a big deal, after all I've worn shorts before, these exact ones to be precise. But today wa...