Although I can obviously not post any pictures as proof I can say that my breasts are NOT looking good anymore. I don’t know how to describe what I am feeling about them but to say I hate how they look would be a huge understatement. I can’t stand having them out of a bra let alone having James see them. I have been looking forward to having that breast lift for a year now, for a year...and then to suddenly have this expectation ripped away like that was seriously crushing...I felt heartbroken.
After the lady left the room to let me get in my gown the emotions overtook me and I just started crying. James tried to calm me down so I would be ok for the doctor when he came in. I managed to get it together and then the doctor came in. (Although I cried my eyes out on the drive home, like a LOT!) We discussed a lot. First he had me pull up my gown to take a look at my stomach. I have to tell you....this was a really hard part. To have someone you just met grabbing at all your loose skin, pulling it, measuring it, quite frankly flopping it....well, you feel very embarrassed, and just wrong really. THEN, he had me stand naked against a wall with my arms up and folded like I am a genie so he could take pictures for the insurance company. My face is not in the picture at least, but still...that as well was kinda odd.
Next we talked about what he wanted to do. As I expected he wants to do the horizontal full tummy tuck from hip bone to hip bone. But due to the extra skin I also have in the upper middle area he also thinks it would be best to do the vertical tummy tuck. With this he would also include (thankfully free of charge) liposuction along the pubic line and on the top area of my stomach as well. During surgery he will also be tightening up my muscles....which is so cool! The vertical tummy tuck is not covered by insurance, and will cost $1850.00 which must be paid in full before surgery. That will not be a problem thank goodness.
We then discussed the breast lift because I wanted to know how much it would cost for me to still do it. James assured me (while waiting for the doctor to come in) that no matter what we would be getting it done if that is what I needed....and trust is needed. So again I disrobed and he measured them, checked them...all that stuff. He recommends small implants along with the lift and for all of that, and hospital billing, his time, comes to $8950.00. YIKES!!
If I decide to have that done as well and can get the money it can be done at the same time as the tummy tuck. James and I are going to look into different things we can do to get the money. Get a loan from the bank that we can pay off...or maybe try to get half on our own and then a loan for the other half. I don’t know, but we will figure it out. If I can’t get it done at the same time I guess I will have to wait awhile longer...but it will get done!
The healing process for the tummy tuck is 3-4 weeks. I will basically be walking around the house for exercise, but that should only be every couple hours for a short period of time. Other than that I will be sitting down to watch TV all day everyday. oh darn. lol I will be able to do the gym again (aerobic only) after 6-7 weeks, and then everything else after 4 months. With the breast lift I would have to wear a special surgical bra, and with the tummy tuck a special shirt will be worn for the first 6 weeks everyday all day.
SO....the tummy tuck surgery is scheduled for February 7th 2013. I am SO EXCITED!!! Can’t wait to get rid of these stretch marks AND have a flat stomach. ALSO, very hopeful that we can find a good loan with a low APR so I can get the money for the breast lift so I can have both surgeries done at once instead of separately. I really don’t want to go through the pain twice. It would also be nice to be healed up by summer for everything we do during those months. Please pray for me to have some peace of mind, and patience....I need it. :)
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