Tuesday, August 12, 2014

On my way.....

Doing good on trying to lose that weight that I gained back.   I have lost 2.5  pounds of it so far.  It’s hard to keep myself patient about it however.  As in the past, I still can’t help but expect instant results and so sometimes I get disappointed when the scale isn't going down in numbers as fast as I would like.  But patience is a virtue and as long as I am doing what I should….everything will “come off” in time.   

Using the app My Fitness Pal is really great in helping me keep track of what I am eating.  James has been really supportive and is also using the app along with me.  It’s nice to have him along for the ride, and of course he has some weight he wants to lose too, so it all works out.  

Since putting on the foundation makeup over the scars on my chest I am working really hard at “liking” my breasts as they are.  I still don’t fully love how the implant in the left one is kinda visible, and I can feel it….but according to everyone else who has seen it they only notice it when I point it out...so I guess a lot of it is just me being way too picky.   James also says it doesn't bother him at all...so I am trying to make it a point to just tell myself that they look great whenever I catch my inner thoughts turning negative.

Tomorrow I am going thrift store shopping and plan on buying some more shirts for myself.  I have recently gotten rid of a lot of tops because I realized that they were not quite my style like I originally thought they were.   It feels great to know that I bought them at such a cheap price so getting rid of them leaves me feeling guilt free.  Even better is I have a coupon for 50% off of my entire purchase….so that seriously rocks.   If I am lucky I will even find a couple skirts, or maybe even dresses.  I don’t think I will ever get tired of being able to buy cute clothes in the normal section of the store.   Going to the plus size section to shop while my other friends were in the normal aisles was always annoying and just plain sad.  I can’t even express how great it feels to hang out with my friends and look at the same racks as they do now.  :)   It’s a huge deal...and I just love it!  

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Doctors Opinion is.....

Yesterday was my check up with my plastic surgeon.   It went well.  We voiced our concerns and he didn't agree with us, but after much talking and looking and marking me with a pen we agreed to give it more  time and see how things went.  The bottom area (which is the area I have the most problem with) of my left breast he said is just how it is going to look.  He said many women have that going on and it is just normal for some women who have weaker muscle there to have the implant slightly show.   I don’t like it, but I know I can deal with it.  

The other thing we were concerned about what the cleavage area on the left breast.  He felt confident however that what was happening is that because the scar is in the wrong place it is giving a false appearance of looking way different than the other breast.  The eye is drawn to the scar (which at this point would be too hard to try to change because it would mess up the other one) and when you are just looking at that it makes the cleavage look wrong.

He suggested that I try putting some makeup on it for awhile so the scar is not noticeable and then see what I think.  Decide if what I am noticing is just the scar playing tricks on me or is there actually a problem.  He also wants to just wait a while longer since I just had surgery and the tissue needs time to heal up still.  And I agree….it would be nice if my body could actually go a full year without having surgery.  lol

I came home and put some foundation on my scars.  Right away I noticed that they did look better.  I still see a slight area that I wouldn't mind fixing in the cleavage...but overall it looks great when the scar is covered up so I can only imagine that it is just the scar playing tricks on our eyes.  

In other news….while in California I gained 4 pounds, and then when I got home I gained another 3 because I was going out to eat more than a few times and even though I picked healthy choices it is hard to know exactly how much fat is in everything.  SO….I am being very very strict on my eating for the entire week, and not weighing myself either, in an effort to take those pounds off.  I am assuming a week should be more than enough time to take almost all of that off.  When I am very strict I lose it pretty fast and so far I am doing good.  I will probably be having lots of smoothies and fruits and such….luckily right now I am really enjoying plums and raisins as snacks.  I will keep you updated as to how losing this perky 7 pounds goes.  Crazy how just eating too much fat for a couple weeks can make weight come on me so quickly with this new stomach….but thankfully it can come off just as quickly too.  

Wearing Shorts

Today I wore shorts.  This may not seem like a big deal, after all I've worn shorts before, these exact ones to be precise. But today wa...