Thursday, December 6, 2012

Helping with Debt

My next surgery is fast approaching.  So far I have lost 117 pounds with my current weight being 156 pounds.  I still feel very excited and happy about all the changes my body has made and about the tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation I will be getting.  Since the health insurance we have will in fact NOT cover the breast procedures I am having done I decided it was best to help out with new debt I will be putting my husband and I in.  I decided to get a part time job working nights (since I am always up late anyway) and put all of the money I make towards paying off the surgery.  If I can even do $500 a month, and if we put all our tax refund on paying it off too (and any extra side jobs my husband gets) we figure we could have it paid off in a year and a half.  Maybe a little longer.  I really felt strongly that it would be good for me to do this and thank the Lord I got hired at the first place I applied at!

I am now a cashier at Kroger.  It is the grocery store closest to our home, and I practically live there so it seemed like the best option in regard to where I would like to work.  I have a friend who works there as a supervisor, and she helped get my application seen quickly.  I had a great interview, and it wasn’t too long after that, that I received a call to see if I wanted the job.  It has been two weeks now and I am doing really well.  I told them I could only work from 8pm - 2am...and that is exactly the shift that they gave me.  I am really happy with it. Even better is that they didn’t mind that I would be having surgery soon and would need a month off.  Great news.

So now it is just a waiting game.  Waiting for February 21st to arrive so I can have this extra skin removed and my new and perkier breasts put in.  I am nervous of course about how much pain I will be in, but I am so excited too for the end results from it all.  I know it will look wonderful!

Wearing Shorts

Today I wore shorts.  This may not seem like a big deal, after all I've worn shorts before, these exact ones to be precise. But today wa...